Monday, October 21, 2019

Batman Universe #1

I wasn't aware of the existence of this title, but really, I shouldn't have been surprised.

When Brian Michael Bendis left Marvel to come work for DC Comics, the world just assumed he would take over a Batman book. He excels at street level stories, be it Daredevil or Jessica Jones or Scarlet or Spider-Man....and you get the idea. He's good at urban hero stories, and there is no hero more street level than the Darknight Detective. So when Bendis instead took over some Superman titles, I wasn't the only one surprised.

So now here he is working on a Batman title. (Yes, he did write Batman in Event Leviathan, but I believe this may be the first Batman solo book.) And it is an absolute joy so far.

I'm deliberately not reading any reviews of this book, but part of the joy is that it reads like a team up title. The story begins with Batman investigating a Riddler robbery, but it soon ends up pulling in other unexpected DC characters, like Jenny Hex (Jonah Hex's great granddaughter), as well as Deathstroke and a certain archer who likes green. The story moves along very nicely, with very clear and original art from Nick Derrington. It was

 As a kid from a struggling blue collar family growing up, I always tried to spend my allowance on comics that had a lot of characters so that I would get my money's worth. Had Batman Universe been around back then, it would be the first book I would have grabbed from the spinner rack. Batman and other cool characters? Score!